Category: Cubs

David Kaplan Interviews South Bend Cubs Owner Andrew Berlin

David Kaplan goes to South Bend Indiana and talks with the owner of the South Bend Cubs, Andrew Berlin.

Ballpark Digest – 2018 Editor’s Choice for Outstanding Achievement: Ivy at Berlin Place

The Ivy at Berlin Place, which gives South Bend a Wrigleyville feel while tying into surrounding downtown development, has earned a 2018 Editor’s Choice for Outstanding Achievement Award.

Pleased but Never Satisfied

How Andrew Berlin turned South Bend baseball into a sports success story.

South Bend Tribune – Improvements Could Help Reconnect Southside Corridor to Downtown South Bend

Construction of The Ivy at Berlin Place is well underway at Four Winds Field on the south end of downtown South Bend, bringing occupancy by mid 2018 and will include an elegant rooftop space.